Friday, March 4, 2011

A Random Box Design

I was bored so I had to do something to keep myself busy ...

(just to let you know, if you are freaked out by the comments or not satisfied; they are all from all the different topics and experiences I have gathered in the box.)

A look at the box...

You can all see the work I put on it. Was fun :)

A small building-so-puzzle design.

A small version of red n black chess ground: always there since the beginning of time ... whatever

Interception formed.

The blue and white skin patters.

Eyes of the Guardian Devil :D

Different look.

Red and white skin pattern, target and the forehead of the one in charge.

Another face for the front cover: 3D tangled box.

Another view of the cover.

Hence the bulls eyes,

Youtube link:

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